Dear compatriots!

The Independence and sovereignty of Belarus are in danger. The Putin’s and Lukashenka’s governments are continuing the secret negotiations behind closed doors. They are preparing the illegal documents on the integration of Belarus into Russia. In fact it is the Russian project of the annexation of our country by Russia which would like to devour Belarus.

The state administration of Belarus is acting in violation of the Law and Constitution. This activity contradicts the national interests of our people.

It is necessary to stop the anti-constitutional negotiations. Every decision resulting from these negotiations has no legal force and should be interpreted as the anti-constitutional conspiracy.

But the political factor of the illegal pact (as history has witnessed) is very dangerous for the existence of Belarus as a state. It will be the argument for the Putin’s aggressive policy against our country.

Recognizing this, the Belarusian patriots have demonstrated in Minsk protesting against the Russian adventure – the integration of Belarus into Russia December 7 and 8, 2019. The people’s general mobilization has been started in order to defend the Homeland.

We appeal you to support this process. The common idea should unite all the Belarusians – to defend the independence of our country. The common position should unite all the citizens – to prevent the occupation of Belarus by Russia. We are against the integration with Russia. We have the choice like during the war: either the defense or the capitulation.

We propose to support the initiative of the protesters on December 7 and 8, 2019 – to demonstrate against the complot of the official Russian and Belarusian policymakers which are preparing the integration of Belarus into Russia. The mass rally will take place on the Central (Kastrychnitskaya) Square in Minsk December 20, 2019 at 6 p.m.

We propose to organize a big rally-assembly on the Central (Kastrychnitskaya) Square in Minsk on Saturday, December 21, 2019 at 2 p.m. Our slogan is No to the Integration with Russia!

We appeal the administration, teams and members of the NGOs, trade-unions, enterprises, as well as of the political parties, politicians and the civil society to take part in this Rally-Assembly.

Members of the Supreme Soviet (Parliament) of the 12th convocation which have adopted the Independence of Belarus August 25, 1991:
Zianon Pazniak, the leader of the Opposition of the Belarusian People’s Front in the Supreme Soviet of the 12th convocation,
Yuri Belenki,
Siarhei Antontchyk,
Siarhei Papkou,
Piotra Sadouski,
Liavon Barshcheuski,
Mikola Kryzhanouski,
Anatol Liabedzka

Politicians and public figures:
Stanislau Bahdankevich, member of the Supreme Soviet of the 13th convocation,
Aliaksandr Dabravolski, member of the Supreme Soviet of the 13th convocation,
Aliaksei Marachkin, artist,
Aliaksei Yanukovich, PBNF, vice-chairman,
Yaraslau Navumenka, Movement “For Freedom”,
Ihar Barysau, the Belarusian Social Democratic Party “Hramada”, chairman,
Vital Rymasheuski, the Belarusian Christian Democracy, co-chair,
Paval Seviarynets, the Belarusian Christian Democracy, co-chair,
Ihar Rynkevich, the Belarusian committee of solidarity with Ukraine, coordinator,
Ales Arastovich, the Belarusian Social Democratic Party,
Viachaslau Siuchyk, the Belarusian national congress,
Dzianis Urbanovich, the Young Front, chairman,
Alena Talstaya, the Movement of solidarity “Razam”, chairperson
Dzimitry Kuchuk, the Belarusian Green party, vice-chairman,
Valery Buival, the Conservative Christian Party – Belarusian People’s Front, secretary,
Ales Chakholski, the Conservative Christian Party – Belarusian People’s Front, secretary,
Uladzimir Ramantsou, the Conservative Christian Party – Belarusian People’s Front, secretary

December 11, 2019
