ThePresident of Russia Mr. Putin is preparing the federal Low to bepresented to the Russian parliament: №245943-7“On the Troops of the Anti-Aircraft Defense on the Borders ofBelarus”. This activity is coordinated with Mr. Lukashenka andsignifies the introduction of the Russian system of the Anti-AircraftDefense to Belarus as well as of the Russian missiles, theiroperating staff, the protecting troops and the assistant staff onduty. In political sense this fact signifies the occupation ofBelarus. In the event of military conflict between Russia and thecountries members of NATO Belarus will be annihilated. The first blowwill be inflicted on the systems of the Anti-Aircraft Defense in thecountry where these systems are stationed. Thus the occupants wouldprotect their own country from the first blow and direct it againstBelarus.
Everymilitary action of Russia against other countries from the Belarusianterritory will cause the appreciation of Belarus as country aggressorand give the possibility to destroy and annihilate our country.
Theoccupation of Belarus has been prepared by the aggressive policy ofMr. Putin and the national treason of Mr. Lukashenka. They are alliesand their purpose is to annihilate Belarus. They are basing theiractivity on the phantom of the so-called “united state of Belarusand Russia”. This “united state” is not acknowledged by anybodyin the world. It is illegal and doesn’t exist in the reality.September 2017 Russia will carry on the military exercisesWestern-2017 on big scale in Belarus basing its activity on the false“united state”. In fact these military exercises represent asmoke screen in order to protect the aggressive plans of Russia whichis trying to subordinate Belarus.
SinceJuly 24, 2017 the Russian troops and fighting equipment are activelytransported into Belarus from Russia. The people has identified andphotographed the Russian troops without any military insignia of rankbut with the automatic arms marching in the Belarusian cities.
Thesefacts witness the gross violation of the sovereignty of Belarus andthe start of the hybrid occupation of our country.
Havingthese facts and witnesses we inform the international society thatRussia is carrying on the hybrid aggression and introducing theRussian troops to the territory of Belarus.
Thecapture of Belarus by the Russian military forces represents thethreat to whole Europe and first of all to our neighbouring states:Ukraine, Poland, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania. We propose to thegovernments of these countries to start the political actions intheir societies and international structures in order to organize theinternational resistance against the military advance of the Putin’sRussia.
Weappeal the citizens – the patriots of Belarus – to start thepolitical and military guerilla resistance against the occupants. Thedue time came. The foreign occupation troops cannot be tolerated onthe Belarusian territory. The rail-ways must not be used for thetransportation of the occupation forces.
Weappeal the Belarusian Army which has taken the oath to be loyal toBelarus. The enemy is marching into our country. Let you defend theHomeland against the Russian invasion.
Weappeal the Belarusian soldiers and officers. Let you defend theHomeland against the Russian troops! Don’t execute any treacherousorders given by the traitors. Belarus is above all! Take everythingunder your military Belarusian control. Resist the occupants. If thetraitors would try to use you in the war against Ukraine let youdefect to the Ukrainian army and fight together with the Ukrainiansagainst the Russian aggressors.
Weappeal the Belarusians in the whole world, to the persons with theconscience and the Belarusian heart. It is necessary to be ready tothe mobilization, to collect the funds, to appeal the Westernsocieties and governments in order to support free Belarus.
Theturning point is approaching. As a result the enemy of the human kind– the Moscow imperialism – will die and break its neck in ourBelarus.
Longlive Belarus!
Longlive our Homeland!
TheSoim of the Conservative Christian Party – Belarusian Popular Front
TheChairman of the Party Zianon Pazniak
August13, 2017